Brew Like a Pro: My Top Ten Tea Tips & Tricks

by | May 1, 2023

Tea, Glorious Tea!

As the saying goes, “all teas are not created equal,” and boy, did I learn that the hard way. Hailing from Trinidad, where ‘tea’ could mean anything from Quick, Milo, Cocoa tea, or even herb tea, also called bush tea by us locals. Imagine my surprise when I delved into the world of true tea made from the Camellia Sinensis plant. It was an eye-opening revelation!

Since then, my tea journey has been a rollercoaster ride of bitter and sweet moments, quite literally. But fear not, along the way, I’ve gathered invaluable insights that I wish I had known from the start. “My Top-Ten- Tips & Tricks”.

Temperature Testing: No thermometer? No problem! Use visual cues like steam or bubbles to determine the water temperature for brewing tea. Tiny bubbles forming on the bottom of the pot indicate an average temperature of 70-82°C. Larger bubbles rising to the surface and breaking indicate a temperature of around 93-100°C.

Proper Tea Storage: Keep your tea fresh by storing it away from light, moisture, and strong odors. This ensures maximum flavor and aroma in every cup.

Green vs Black Tea: Know that green tea is more astringent than black tea, so adjust your steeping time and water temperature accordingly to avoid bitterness.

Extend Tea Life: Get more use out of your tea by using loose-leaf teas or reusing tea bags for multiple steeping, extracting maximum flavor from your leaves.

Fresh Water Rule: Always use fresh water for brewing tea, as reusing boiled water can impact the taste and quality of your brew.

Enhance Flavor: If you prefer to add additives like milk, honey, or spices to your tea, brew it stronger to ensure a robust flavor profile.

Herbal Tea for Caffeine-Free: If you want to avoid caffeine, opt for herbal teas which are naturally caffeine-free, making them a great choice for evenings or when you want to relax.

Brew Time Matters: Adjust your brewing time based on the size and type of tea leaves. Larger leaves or more tightly rolled leaves may require longer steeping times for optimal flavor extraction.

Check Labels Carefully: When brewing tea, always check the label for recommended temperature and measure. Remember, Celsius and Fahrenheit are not the same, so ensure you’re brewing at the right temperature for the best results.

Experiment and Discover: Don’t be afraid to try new teas and brewing methods to discover your personal taste preferences. Experimentation is part of the joy of tea appreciation.

As much as I hope “My-Top-Ten-Tips & Tricks” are helpful, remember, tea is a personal experience, and experimenting with different techniques and flavors can be a delightful adventure. If you have any tips or tricks of your own, I would love to hear them!

Message me with your favorite tea hacks.

Written By Melissa Cobham

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