Live like a pirate…..
We often think of pirates as unlawful, brutal, thieves who reap havoc on others. They are mostly described as robbers or predators of the seas. Although the motives behind their behaviors are frowned upon, their skills and attributes in its purest form are worth taking cues from for everyday living.
Be unbiased for a moment, and consider the steps taken by a pirate to reach their objective of “getting that treasure”. In our words, “accomplish that goal”. Think about their boldness and courage to go after what they want and their resilience to keep fighting when faced with obstacles. Patch over eye, hook as arm, they continue to lead their ship.
Let’s explore this further. Here are four traits of a pirate that can be adopted for your success.
Knowing what you want and being committed to it
Pirates are very committed to their objectives. Not achieving it is not an option. Such a mindset requires you to first have a mission. No pirate ship sets sail unknowingly to what they are going after, they are very clear about what their target is and are willing to do what it takes to meet their objective. When applied to life as we know it, having a purpose, and understanding why you want to become successful is important but being dedicated to the cause is most critical to achieving success. Having a clear mission gives you the motivation to continue the journey, and the ability to make quick decisions and not abort the vessel at the sight of a challenge. If you think about it, when pirates are faced with challenges, they immediately transition into battle mode. They are in it for the long haul.
Creating a plan
A staple on every pirate ship is a map and a compass. The map marks out their “X spot” and identifies the routes to get there. Whilst the compass provides them with direction. To get to your “X spot” you too must map out your journey. Firstly, where exactly is your “X spot”, in other words, what does success look like to you? Answering this question will let you know when you have arrived at your destination. Your idea of success may not be someone else and as the captain of your ship, you want to ensure that the journey leads to your mark. What are the steps needed for you to reach there? This is necessary for you to know, and help you be prepared for the paths which you must travel. Chances are the map may identify many routes, but given the time being traveled, you must now decide which route is best suited to you.
Knowing your limitations
There is ultimate power in knowing who you are and your capabilities. Only a fool would have the capacity for self-deception, quick to identify their strengths whilst their weaknesses remain untold. One thing for certain, a pirate may be a thief of the seas but never a fraud to himself. The greatest captain is open about what he is good at and is not shy to admit where he falls short. Before sailing he evaluates the skills he is lacking and brings on board crewmates fitting for the journey with abilities and knowledge he does not own or is not proficient at. The smartest of captains may also reach out to a “seadog” otherwise known as a veteran of the seas to learn from his experience. Taking the example from pirates; what resources will you need for your journey? What are your capabilities, do you acquire all the required skillsets? Who are your crewmates and the mastermind you counsel to guarantee success?
Live with expectancy
The late Edwin Louis Cole said, “expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles”, although not intentional, this quote defines the mindset of a pirate whilst on his quest. For the task at hand may seem overwhelming, but it does not deter them from their pursuit. The goal is to “get that treasure” and they are determined to get it, not overly concerned by how, as their belief that it will happen overrides any doubt. The emotion of hope is powerful and should be adopted throughout everyday living. Hope gives you the confidence of endless possibilities and empowers you to push on when the odds are stacked against you. On your quest of becoming successful, you will be faced with obstacles, but embracing hope aids in strengthening your will and gives you the muscle to continue forward.
Final thoughts……
This article is not meant to deceive you, becoming, and retaining success is not an overnight task. It takes time, consistency, and a lot of trial and error but it is very doable. Believing you can accomplish it is your first step. Once you believe it you can achieve it. Change your mindset, stop saying you are broke, and stop behaving as if you are broke. To live with expectancy requires you to take sensible actions as if you were already successful. “Be it until you become it”. One way is to change your language from “I am broke” to “this expense does not fit into my plan at this time”. Instead of saying “I cannot afford it” start asking the question “how can I afford it”. Your brain is designed to provide the answers to the questions you ask, if you continue to ask how you can afford it, unconsciously you will be provided with an assortment of solutions.
The second step is to develop a habit of resting, not stopping. In your quest to become successful, the feelings of de-motivation, boredom, failure, stress, and fatigue are inevitable. Your responsibility is to acknowledge these feelings when they occur, take a break, and get involved in another activity that will refuel you. Your activity is specific to you and no one else. Think about what makes you feel good, what will give you the re-boost needed. For some, this can include outdoor or sporting activities that get your heart pumping like car racing, or other high-intensity sports. For others, it may be more relaxed events like coloring, meditation, spa treatments, laughing, or just sitting in solitude with a cup of tea. It does not matter which activity you choose; the aim is to get recharged so you can continue your quest and not quit.
The third and most critical step to being successful is fighting and winning the battle with yourself. Self-sabotage is real. At every stage throughout your journey, you are going to question your capabilities, you are going to second guess your decisions, and the thoughts of whether you have what it takes to achieve success will be top of mind. Self-sabotage is damaging to your self-esteem and can cripple your progress. Knowing when it is happening and applying strategies to combat it helps.
To transfer your energies from a feeling of self-doubt to a feeling of self-encouragement; here are some strategies to help you disrupt and subsequently quiet the negative voices in your head. All the strategies require that you first pause, acknowledge the voice, take five deep but slow breaths, then action any or a combination of the following.
- Recite and repeat your affirmation statement or mantra.
- Mindfully recognize everything you are grateful for regardless of how trivial it may seem.
- Counter the negative thought by identifying the things you have accomplished including the small self-promises you have made and kept.
- Immediately divert your attention from yourself by serving others. Do something that makes someone else feel good, and graciously show love to others.
- Seek counsel from a professional when it seems pervasive and out of your control.
Your journey to being successful may seem far-fetched, compare yourself to no one and set sail like a pirate on his ship. Keep in mind, this is your ship, and you are the captain, everyone else on the journey is a steward and may not see the ship to its destination. Welcome the journey ahead, keep looking forward, learn from the experience, and celebrate your wins at each phase of success.
Get your treasure!!